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About Regiment Bourbonnais :

Ancient Historical Information

In 1597 the original regiment Bourbonnais was formed in the Province of Bourbonnais in south-central France. It was one of five regiments sent to America in 1780 under the command of Comte de Rochembeau to aid the army of Gen. George Washington. The compte's son, Vicomte Rochambeau, was his second-in-command of Regiment Bourbonnais. The French Army landed at Newport, R.I. in July 1780. Their encampment there tied down a large British force at New York.

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In July 1781, the French began a forced march across Connecticut, around New York City and down the coast to Virginia where they arrived in late September. Here they Joined an American force which had trapped the army of Lord Cornwallis at Yorktown.

On the night of October 14, American and French Infantry captured the outer British lines. The British surrended five days later, ending the last major campaign of the Revolutionary War. After spending the winter at Williamsburg Va., the French regiments marched north to Boston where they embarked in December of 1782.

Historical Information

Our recreated Regiment Bourbonnais was formed in 1979 in preparation for the Bicentennial re-enactment of Yorktown. It joined four other recreated units in a motor-march from Rhode Island to Yorktown to participate in the re-enactment.

In 1983 it was one of the units present in Paris for the ceremonies marking the bicentennial of the Treaty of Paris which ended the Revolutionary War and recognized American independence. In July of 1984 it was at Annapolis Md., where Congress accepted the peace treaty in January 1784.

In July 1986, the regiment was present at the rededication of the Statue of Liberty, and later that month returned to Virginia for a week of military demonstrations at Yorktown, Williamburg and Mount Vernon.

In August 1987, Regiment Bourbonnais travelled to Great Britain with other recreated American, British and French units under sponsorship of "English Heritage" to present battle re-enactments at Dover Castle, Audley End and Tilbury Fort. In the summer of 1988 the regiment toured the Maritime Providences of Canada.

In October 1989, we returned to Yorktown to join in the dedication of a French war memorial. Present were units of modern American and French armies, the French ambassador, and delegations of French veterans.

Current Information

During the period of March to November, the regiment is active in parades, musters and 18th-century re-enactments; and we provide demonstrations and talks for social groups such as Scouts, local historical societies and Franco-American cultural organizations.

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Comte de Rochambeau

As a member of Regiment Bourbonnais, you can enjoy reliving the historical events that shaped America's destiny two hundred years ago.

Those joining 'les Bourbonnais' will find themselves among a group of friends who have fun while authentically recreating a period of America's history. Regiment Borbonnais is a family-oriented group. Wives and children are active participants, not just 'drag-along'. Besides military life of the 18th century, we demonstrate domestic skills and crafts of the period. Whether cooking over open fires (our regiment is famous for the quality of its roast beef and turkey), or dancing contras and quadrilles, we have a good time.

The regiment is uniformed according to the French army Regulations of 1779. Clothing and equipment are as authentic as research allows. This is true both for the soldiers and their wives and children. You will clad in wool and linen, and eat with wooden forks from pewter dishes. If you want to, you can sleep on straw in 18th-century version of a pup-tent.All drill and battle commands are given in French but a conversational knowledge of the language is not necessary.

Regiment Bourbonnais is Chartered by the state of Rhode Island as a non-profit organization. Its members live across eastern Massachusetts and Rhode Island. Its monthly drills are held in Pawtucket.

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Drill in Camp

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Last updated : 25 Jul 2000